I will occasionally publish links here to articles in the media relating to issues that I can potentially help with. These links open in an external browser tab. The views reflected in the articles are not necessarily my own and are simply intended to give people a wider, unbiased view of various issues.

    Category: Hypnotherapy

  • Heal thyself: Self-hypnosis

    Source: New Scientist

    Hypnotherapy has struggled for scientific acceptance ever since Franz Mesmer claimed in the 18th century that he could cure all manner of ills with what he termed "animal magnetism". "The whole field is plagued by people who don't feel research is necessary," says Peter Whorwell of the University of Manchester in the UK.

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  • Hypnosis really changes your mind

    Source: New Scientist

    Hypnosis is more than just a party trick, it measurably changes how the brain works, says a UK researcher.

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